You can have a working Raspberry Pi 5 working including buying a mouse and keyboard get wireless and monitor for around £110 or if you want a bigger harddrive or SD card with 120gb, it goes up to the total cost of around £210. I have not used Windows in like 4 years I guess after Windows 10 and saw all it's issues stopped using it. I have three or four Pis so far including pi 2 and 3 and 4 so far. Windows is probably harder to work than Linux for installing or making improvements. Whenever Windows did updates had to spend a few hours or longer changing or it get super slow again. Don't get put off by some Linux elitist people who see themselves as superior to all non Linux people or people use different ones such as Mint or Debian among others you could install. Rasbian is a debrian system Cases are good way to protect plus it allows you to keep them running better since move less than no ...
A Raspberry Pi when you buy it will have a decent anonymous build-in already you can easily add proxies if you need it or use purely TOR if you want. I would get 120GB SD card will make sense later on for why I am suggesting this one. You can have more than one operating system work on this computer such as have a Mint or Raspbian or another system from this card not hard to setup up. You just need a keyboard and mouse connected best wireless style and plug for the Pi and monitor You can install privacy using this A popular, open-source, and easy-to-configure proxy software. To install Squid on Raspberry Pi, you can: Open a terminal session via SSH . Run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade to update packages Run sudo apt-get install squid The Squid service should start automatically after installation. You can configure Squid by editing t...