If you are concerned about online privacy You can solve that by buying a Raspberry 5 it will have adblocker preinstalled in it's first browser you can install brave very quick and easy or Tor or other ones If you don't want to go down the full Linux rabbit hole for example I got a Kali laptop Pi is good enough introduction for you. I would get 8GB ram if you want 4GB should be fine. You need a SD card of at least 60GB if not it will get you forced to keep removing things if you want bigger like I got 128GB then go with that option or bigger. https://www.theengineer.info/2025/02/why-amiga-coding-still-matters-look-at.html To setup a raspberry with wireless mouse and keyboard and computer and monitor cost around £110 based on Raspberry Pi 4 that was cost to setup my one fully.
Python was created and released in the year of 1991.
Possibly websites or apps you could create with it include
- Login in feature
- Ecommerce
- Blog
- Automatic sending of emails
Perform Road monitoring checking based on the weather of traffic or other things.
Brain Tumor Detection process.
Able to perform Speech emotion Recognition by gathering Data based on the tone of someone's voice .
Teaches you about how to use ANACONDA to install Python to do different things.
Teaches you how to input commands into Python to make things such as letter change from the capital to lower case. https://www.theengineer.info/2023/03/learn-python-practically.html
More like blog version of Udemy course since only tiny amount of videos in it but it's very smart in the number of resources gives you real big quality from the man I keep seeing here.
Shows you how to use If Statements through strings and how to complete for statements or nested loops.
Teaches you how to run codes.
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