Teaches you how to pass the exam or some guidance into the purpose of doing this for getting my knowledge about AWS Servers.
https://www.theengineer.info/2023/02/linux-tutorials-and-projects.html Gives introduction into what exactly Cloud means in simple terms it means online storage area to keep your server to allow you to put a program or website or app online or simply place to store data like files or images as well.
You can setup this kind of service without having to pay installation costs or electricity costs or in some cases government taxes plus you get stuff setup more less instantly which improves the speed of many companies around the world plus they run of very powerful services meaning if you experience big drain your server it should be strong enough to handle things in majority of cases for why so many popular websites or apps or software rely on these services up time will be normally like 99.9 so no risk in the service stop working really. When you get busy time period it can expand what your server can handle or decrease when it goes down you can rely on working during the busy or quiet time periods and good security system in place with them. You can put in place a rule which means only some IPS are allowed to use the service or just your own IP to keep things secure.
Talks about having to pay Amazon $100 to get the course so you can present proof to clients or employers about your skills in this area.
Shows you about the logic behind answering the question such you need 7000 or higher score out of 1000 to pass it being multi choice questions as well.
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