Introduction into what is, in reality, Meta software or service?
It was just game or service you can move around the best example of this most people know about would be World of War Craft probably the world most famous version of it you could find an earliest form of this sort of service existed in 1990s it could had come probably quicker if internet was better to allow free moving to exist.
A lot of people don't know this tech is now around 30 years old for the idea Meta pretends they invented it when in reality they never did and also virtual reality again In 1968 Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull created the first VR / AR head mounted display meaning this is not new thing as Mark kept saying you could fairly easy during the 1980s to 1990s buy Virtual console such as Virtual Boy even oo it sucked ass gameplay overall and was weird red colour that again was made way before Facebook had it.
The Zuckerberg tried to promote or create was he was doing world class stuff but in reality, he was making worse graphics than the Nintendo Wii made in around 2006 most people know about this firm they are not really about making the best graphic they more about making things enjoyable which I can respect but Zuck team could not make something as good as that in 2022 which shows quality was not something anyone in the team of Facebook or Meta could do for why it became such a joke plus in his weird mind he seemed to make out he was creating world class things but in reality, he was making shit stuff all the time for why he lost a lot of money and also his share price dropped by record amounts.
The idea to I guess control people was what he wanted since Facebook became known as a boring site since most of the younger people stopped using it as much a few years ago for why it became known as like boomer site which in some cases is true but for them, it's still okay to good but also the biggest problem with Facebook is this hate to anything logic or anything being considered by them wrong such as I saw someone get blocked before for posting just the word Trump which is both funny and sad but that is the world they created for controls .
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