Quality could be low or produce terrible information for example it can't check if something is wrong if it does not have data on it for example lets say a new sports event happened to some kind of team for example say Manchester United it might be using data from the past meaning that does not represent the team right anymore such they may buy a new player or sold one which the system still claims is playing for them.
A lot of the content I saw from Chat GPT overall from the 3.5 looks to me pretty shit not really any better than like someone you could get for like $5 or less money from Fiverr or Facebook groups to me as a whole.
https://www.theengineer.info/2023/04/create-python-code-to-make-bulk.htmlI wonder as well how many people can actually make money from normally low quality articles unless you have a load of site articles done with in theory one or more of them getting people to click your products or affiliate links then it would be kind f hard to get much traffic or success to me overall.
A good example to share from it I knew of one guy who lost 60% of his traffic from using just like Open A.I do make the content and also he was just repeating the same the information through out his stuff making nothing unique or interesting if someone keeps producing the same content it's not interesting or exciting as a whole to me and most other people when you consider how many people have small attention spans it become more of a problem to me .
I started to see the fund of back sites on Google from around September of last year people were using Jasper which gets it's data from Open A.I meaning it's the same software just with a small amount of changes the site went from like 20,000 traffic per month which sounds cool right? Well not really since it made no problem when Google started doing there SEO updates it kept getting his traffic or ranking destroyed going all the way down to like 0 traffic per month so be aware if you produce rubbish Google will stop you from getting search engine traffic very likely or possible even give you pensality in extreme cases as well which can cost money or time to fix as well to me .
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