The computers were first created in the 1985 to 19940's as end of their life.
The best way I could explain them is like across between Windows and Linux in the sense vety easy to do jobs with but still little bit hard to work.
A lot of people loved how easy it was work doing complex this is why many software engineers started on it the following countrys had many use them often in the past
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- New Zealand
- Poland
- South Africa
- Videogames
- Music
- Softwares
It included a lot of hobby software makers where you would make something for fun over purely money compared to the current software industry this resulting in many people creating or random things such as someone made a porn version of Pacman .
No limits were including to what was made so a lot of interesting or strange stuff was created. Normal case a kid to young adult get paid like £50 to max of £1,000 then game oublisher sell it under brand or pusblisher name which resulted in quite a lot of kids making decent part time money sped a few hours then get paid decent money for the creations then pay of possible bills fast .
A lot of people done creative things like made high wend musc some sold the music or played it clubs as well it give many people great uses for it.
You could make very decent graphic designing from it all or animation style from it way better than Mario Paint.
The most impressive thing heard that was Canadian school heating system using Amiga computer showing the power behind this system only one Canadian in area still run but it does it was top computer with many simple or more complex tasks for why it ended up with a big following all around the world more less.
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